15 June, 2010

That 30 Days of TV thing: Day 003

Day 003: Your Favourite New Show (Aired This TV Season)

Since Lie To Me is in its second season, and that's pretty much the newest show I've watched, I've decided to ignore the actual Day 3 and make up my own. Which makes me wonder how much of this meme will be intact by Day 30, and how much I will have just jettisoned in favour of making up my own categories.

Day 003: Your Favourite New Show (That You Started Watching This Year, But Actually Stopped Airing 8 Years Ago Or So, And You Were Mildly Bitter About Because They Stopped Filming It In Vancouver Because David Duchovny Complains Too Much)

Do you really need help guessing this one? I mean, really? Anyone who has read my LJ long enough has heard what I've said about David Duchovny. Except maybe that I once saw him at a restaurant in Downtown Vancouver, when I was out with my siblings, he had really ugly running shoes, and that I actually *love* that song by Bree Sharp.

Oh. Right. Sorry.

The X-Files!

This show holds such a special place in my heart, because I remember when my brother and sister used to watch it together every week. Considering that I was 8 when the series started, it didn't hold a lot of interest for me then. Or it was too scary. Possibly both.

However, there are more of you on my f'list than I can count that love(d) X-Files. And when you all reminisce, it makes me think I missed something great. But it is clearly never too late to join a fandom, so here I am, in 2010, starting my great X-Files journey.

Also, even though I barely watched it during its run, I knew Mulder and Scully, I recognized the theme music (which even now, brings the nostalgia and happy, froofy memories of when I was younger), and Gillian Anderson was my very first crush. Awww.

14 June, 2010

That 30 Days of TV thing: Day 002

Day 002: A Show You Wish More People Were Watching

Well, it doesn't take three guesses to figure out what I'm choosing for this one!


This show has it all: the dizzying highs, the terrifying lows, the creamy middles.

What I really mean is, the stories are intriguing, the characters are neat and fleshy, and the...colours are vibrant?

It's about deception experts, and microexpressions, and although the science is slightly dubious, it does carry some basis in fact, and the day we learned about microexpressions in Forensic Psych was and still is my favourite day of any class ever. Win.

And everybody is so shiny and pretty to look at!

...yeah, I'm sure this is convincing you that you want to see this show, but it really is an easy watch. It's on Monday nights on FOX at, um, you'll probably need to look into that. 8? 9? I don't know, the first time I saw it, it was after an episode of House, and I don't even know when that's on anymore.

12 June, 2010

That 30 Days of TV thing: Day 001

Day 001: A Show That Should Never Have Been Cancelled

Hmm. I'm trying to think of a show that I watched that I was devastated when it was cancelled, but the only one I can think of that I was actually watching when it was cancelled was Veronica Mars, and its third season was kind of...weak.

So, I'm changing today up. Instead of a show that should never have been cancelled, I'm going with a show that should have been taken out behind the barn and shot at least 4 seasons before the end of its run.

Day 001: A Show That Should Never Have Been Cancelled

Day 001: A Show That Should Have Been Taken Out Behind The Barn And Shot At Least 4 Seasons Before The End of Its Run

There are so, so many of these, but of them all, I'm going with...


Don't get me wrong. I loved ER to pieces, but they should really have ended sometime around Season 9. Because Season 10? Was ridiculous.

Look, I'm very glad Carter wanted to go to the Congo. That's very noble. How much did we really have to devote to Thandie Newton? I mean, beautiful woman, great actress, but *not* the reason I'm watching ER.

Squishing Romano with the helicopter. Go on, ER, you can make it all the way over the shark. Just a liiiiitttle higher.

Killing off Sandy. Oh, for fuck's sake. She made Kerry happy. They had a son together. You and me, ER? We're not on speaking terms anymore.

All the new nurses/doctorlings. I Just. Didn't. Care. Except for Neela. She was awesome.

ER always put the drama in drama. No one was ever allowed to be happy, and if I really wanted that kind of crap, I'd have watched Grey's Anatomy. Which I did, for a few episodes. I'm still easing out pieces of tension headache.

So, in conclusion, I loved ER, but I would gladly have ended it after 9 seasons.